problems with trolls? LG&M has the solution!
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!
Robert Farley writes:
...incidentally, I think this is one of the best comment threads I've ever seen. My favorites:* Jon MkKane is grate. He will mak a grate preznit. He is better from Obamar by a lots. You ar librul coksukers. I am not a trol.* John McCain is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.* John McCain has a bold vision, a clear sight, and a comprehensive plan for America, and for each and every American. For instance, he wants you, George Robotham of 56 Maple Lane, Waltham MA to start investing in our children's futures, and to stop masturbating in the shower so much. John McCain! He knows what's best. For YOU.* McCain hooked me up with some great weed back in the 80s, when things were really dry.* For I was hungry and McCain gave me food; I was thirsty and McCain gave me drink; I was a stranger and McCain took me in; I was naked and McCain clothed me; I was sick and McCain visited me; I was in prison and McCain came to me.* John McCain once showed me a video of him making love to my wife, and it was the most beautiful thing I ever saw!
I'm not sure the next to last is a troll, based on this:
Steve Benin writes (and quotes):
direct comparisons between Republican candidates and Jesus are still rather unusual. (via mcjoan)
Georgia Republican Party chairwoman Sue Everhart said Saturday that the party’s presumed presidential nominee has a lot in common with Jesus Christ.
“John McCain is kind of like Jesus Christ on the cross,” Everhart said as she began the second day of the state GOP convention. “He never denounced God, either.”
Everhart was praising McCain for never denouncing the United States while he was being tortured as a prisoner of war in Vietnam.
“I’m not trying to compare John McCain to Jesus Christ, I’m looking at the pain that was there,” she said.
Right, of course. She’s not “trying to compare” McCain to Jesus, she’s just says he’s “kind of like Jesus.” The distinction is obvious. And sacrilegious.
Atrios added, “I’m not Christian so it doesn’t really matter much to me who is casually compared to their Lord And Savior, but still.”
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