Sunday, May 25, 2008

Republican goals

"The problem with the current [Republican] “agendas” on offer is that they’re small-bore. They act as though we were still in the majority and our job was to fine-tune the workings of government. It’s not. In the minority, our job is to 1) make the majority’s life miserable, grinding the House and Senate floors to a halt, and building a narrative of the Democrats as broken and incompetent, and 2) offer big, bold alternatives to this mess like the Contract did in 1994."

(h/t Sully)

So this Republican apparatchik believes his party's chief goal should be better ways to gum up the works.

Nothing about making the country a better place, more secure, what have you.

It's a standing joke of the center and center-left that Dubya took office with the belief that gummint is incompetent, and proceded to prove it.

Starting about comment 8, representatives of the other 71% of the electorate check in. Hilarity ensues.

I love comment 21.

Ruffiani also has some atmospheric comments about Obama's messianic cult-of-personality campaign.

If you drop the loaded words, it's quite a backhanded endorsement of Obama's campaign.

You might (and probably should) argue that taking an opponent's endorsement at face value is risky, but it seems clear that Ruffiani thinks that Obama's strategery is brilliant.


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