protectingAmericans against vegan terrorists
h/t avedon at Eschaton
What they were looking for, Carroll says, was an informant—someone to show up at “vegan potlucks” throughout the Twin Cities and rub shoulders with RNC protestors, schmoozing his way into their inner circles, then reporting back to the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, a partnership between multiple federal agencies and state and local law enforcement. The effort’s primary mission, according to the Minneapolis division’s website, is to “investigate terrorist acts carried out by groups or organizations which fall within the definition of terrorist groups as set forth in the current United States Attorney General Guidelines.”as they protected us against Quakers, PETA. The Oklahoma City bombers, not so much.
Labels: gummint idiocy
should I swear off milk products and try out?
Steve wrote:
should I swear off milk products and try out?
Get them to write you a contract which indemnifies you if the vegans sue you, and then go cause the vegans a lot of non-serious trouble so that the vegans can sue for umpty gazillion bucks.
Just make sure the indemnification clause is airtight.
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